AI Is Just Adding to the Noise
If you ask me, if there’s one thing we don’t need more of on the internet, it is more soulless content written for “SEO” purposes, with enough wordcount to inject ads between.
Beautiful Day (Songs of Surrender)
A reworking of a classic.
Calling Out Toxic and Abusive Behaviour in the Church
Church communities often have a strong desire to see justice done out in the world, particularly in non-Christian culture - but can be very apathetic and resistant to tackling justice inside the church.
Make Updating Software Fun Again
Each time I use Arc, a new web browser based on the Chromium engine, and I see the notification in
Belief and Your Amygdala
The Oatmeal with a great comic - sweary or clean - on how difficult it is for each of us
When to Upgrade My Mac - One (mini) Month Later
When is the right time to upgrade my Mac?
ChatGPT Stories About U2
Since everyone else is having fun with ChatGPT, I thought I'd give it a try with a few