2012 Wrap Up
This past year I've had a bit of a renewed focus on posting my thoughts on this blog. I appreciate those of you who visit and enjoy by what I decide to post and link to.
I thought I'd post a bit of a recap with links to some of my favourite things I've posted over the past year.
The Podcast
I relaunched the Too Lazy to Blog podcast as a sort of audio commentary for this blog. It has been reasonably well received/downloaded and I’ve had fun doing it so I think I’ll continue it in 2013. Having a weekly random guest keeps it interesting and challenging.
On to the Year in Review...
- Shameless Self Promotional Post - I still hate writing these kinds of things and yet I should probably promote myself more if I really want to do this more often.
- Cobook Address Book - The address book on your Mac or iPhone is something you think Apple would own right? Not so much.
- Apple’s Issues in China - Glad to see this turned out to be a mostly non-story.
- NY Times Article on Fighting Featuring Saskatoon - Luckily fighting isn’t an issue right now because the NHL and NHLPA are greedy. At the pro level hockey can’t die fast enough for me.
- The Prize Trailer for Brave - Still haven’t seen it.
- Poverty Comes from Above
- Razzledazzle - You Look Nice Today comes back. It’s been a great bunch of episode this year.
- Paper for the iPad - Great app. Need to steal my wife’s iPad more to play with this one.
- Matt Wiebe Joins Automattic - Big news for an online friend based in Winnipeg.
- The Sleaze of Share, Tweet and + Buttons - Still agree.
- The Apps in My Dock - Just updated this page.
- Fee-Based Podcasts - Still haven’t come. At least on the iTunes podcast listing.
- The Story of Oatway Lake - Proud to have been a part of this video documentary.
- Timer for iOS Available for Free - Still use this app on a regular basis.
- FreshBooks Releases Their iPhone App - I also use this app on a daily basis.
- App.Net Clients - I need to decide on an iOS app to keep up with App.net. I’m still loving Wedge on the Mac.
- Poster iOS WordPress Editor - If I stole my wife’s iPad mini more often I’d buy this app.
- Jay and Dan Podcast - Great podcast that still puts a smile on my face.
- Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm Ltd. - Crazy story.
- Review of the 2013 Ford Flex - Getting the opportunity to write a vehicle review was an interesting experience and one I really enjoyed.
- iTunes 11 is Out - Finally.
- Fantastical for iPhone - Beautiful looking app. Haven’t bought it yet.
- Recording an iPad mini Display for App Reviews - I’m such a nerd but I love this kind of stuff.
So that's the year on my blog. I'd hoped to have written more original material but at the same time it's very much a hobby site for me to post things I find interesting so I'm not too disappointed.
I'm not a huge fan of New Year's Resolutions but I do enjoy using events that mark the passing of time to evaluate what I'm doing and why. But that's for another post to come. Hopefully in 2013.
Thanks again for reading, visiting, sharing, linking and liking here on Faraway, So Close. I appreciate all the silent lurkers who pop in from time to time and really enjoy the few that decide to leave a comment or question every now and then.
..cue Auld Lang Syne
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