Apple Gives Away Bono Documentary (Apple Vision Pro Not Included)
The film is not only destined for AppleTV+, it's also going to be the first film available in Apple Immersive on Apple Vision Pro.
We Are Canadian (2025 Edition)
What a weird timeline we're living in.
David Cross Is Starting to Regret His Vote For Trump
This clip is making the rounds again and it's spot on:
The only problem is that it'
Subscribe to the Podcast Version of My Blog Wherever You Get Your Podcasts
For a recent livestream about podcasting related tools, I decided to build a podcast version of my blog. Here's why and how I did it.
Do Real-Life People Blog?
This is who I want to be. I want to create. I want to make things that didn’t exist before I touched them. I want to show up and be seen in my work and in my life
Give Me Sarcasm and Empathy Straight into My Veins
I need some sarcasm with my world is getting turned upside-down news.
Missing Notifications in iOS 18
TL;DR If you're missing notifications on iOS, try deleting and reinstalling the app.
A Moment of Intense Optimism, Shattered
Tim Cook openly grovelling and paying for Trump's favor is one of the more disheartening turns by tech moguls in a time when there are a lot flip-flopping grovelling tech moguls to choose from.