1 min read

Logic Pro X Released

A brand new version of Apple's music/audio production app is out. Logic Pro X is $199 in the Mac App Store.

Check out reviews by Jim Dalrymple over at The Loop:

First of all, I should address the fears of many users. Rumors have circulated for a long time that Logic Pro was going to be discontinued or that it was going to be reincarnated as some sort of “GarageBand Pro.” Clearly, it hasn’t been discontinued, and I can tell you from my own experience, this is far from a GarageBand knockoff. This is the same professional digital audio workstation software that we’ve used for years, only better.

and Christopher Breen at Macworld:

While Logic Pro has indeed adopted some of the look of Final Cut Pro X—with its dark visage and panes that can be invoked or dismissed as the mood strikes—Apple’s digital audio workstation (DAW) has lost none of its power and gained valuable features on just about every front.

I'm not going to be buying it anytime soon as what I have in Logic Pro 9 (9.1.8 technically) works fine for what I do over at SSKTN - but new apps are always hard to resist. Especially when there's the possibility of making the thing I love to do sound better and be easier to do.

Speaking as a musician, the new Drum Kit Designer and virtual drummer sessions look really cool and handy for us non-drummer types, but in reality these often disappoint and seem limited in practice.

You can pair Logic Pro X with the free Logic Remote app for iPad that Apple also released today to control Logic Pro X remotely.

Check out the Logic Pro X promo site on Apple.com for screenshots and videos of the new features in action. Looks like a solid update to an already decent audio app.

Will you be picking up a copy of Logic Pro X?


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