1 min read

Birthday Roundup

  • 2 Snappy-casual shirts from Sue.
  • Soul Calibur II for the cube from Chris and Rin
  • Radiohead's Hail to the Thief from Jan.
  • Another shirt from ma and pa.
  • Warcraft III Battle Chest from ma and pa.
  • Toothbrush from Rob K at work (is that a hint?).
  • Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalog from Sue.
  • A book from Sue's mom called Blink.
  • And enough extra cash from my parents to buy a iTrip for my iPod.
  • I've got the week off as we hang out with Sue's family and prepare for her sister's wedding next weekend. I've got a lot of other stuff I'm helping out with (a couple of videos for next Sunday, a website that was supposed to be done a month ago and something else I'm forgetting) plus we move out of our place into Sue's parent's place next weekend to allow for Jan's fiance's fam to use our place. All in all it should be a fun week - but it'll be a crazy one as well.