Luminary Doesn't Want to Be the Netflix of Podcasting
This was originally posted as a thread on Twitter. I've republished on my blog for archival purposes.
Design is scary. Send themes.
If CMS/static site generators like Eleventy, Statamic, Gatsby, etc. want to grow outside of just the developers/designers who
Creativity Validated
This weekend my wife and I finally watched A Star is Born (2018) and we both loved it for a
JJ Abrams' Production Company Hidden Away
I've been trying to come up with ideas for renovating my home office and stumbled on this portfolio
Kids and Irreplaceable Days
Garrett Murray goes for a shot straight into the feels with thoughts on kids growing up in "Irreplaceable"
The Rush and Jolt of Publishing on the Web
What do you want to do when you grow up, kid? by Robin Rendle is a great reminder of the
iPhone X S NR Max Released
I really can't believe they're using these names:
Introducing the new iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max,
An Accidental Shop for
I was checking out Jason Kottke's shop page and love the accidental nature of it, which is where
Twitch Streamers I'm Digging
I don't watch a ton of streamers because my job editing podcasts make it hard to listen/watch
Sharing a Single Family Computer
Katie Reid writes about the idea of returning to the single family computer as a way to heal the screen