2 min read

The Little Mermaid at Persephone Theatre

Support local theatre for no other reason than it's good for your soul to watch people create cool stuff.
The Little Mermaid at Persephone Theatre

We took one of our kids to Persephone Theatre's production of The Little Mermaid and all loved it.

We were commenting on how it's so neat to see how theatre productions reinterpret characters from films you've watched so much in new and interesting ways, and yet still remain true to the story you know.

Without spoiling anything, Flounder in particular was a delight to see both in how the actor, Maya Baker, portrayed it, and the costume was perfect as well. Synthia Yusuf as Ariel disappeared into the character, and did a great job when Ariel gave up her voice. And the way they all "swam" underwater as they moved around the stage helped trick my brain into almost believing they were under the sea.

The cast and crew did amazing from start to finish. The only complaint my daughter and I had was there was a light overhead shining on the crowd that was strobing in and out in the pre-show and intermission that gave both of us a mild headache.

The show runs until May 5th, 2024 but is currently listed as being sold out. You could try contacting Persephone to see if any more tickets might be available.

50 Years of Persephone Theatre

Next season, 2024/2025, at Persephone is their 50th anniversary and it looks like lots is planned to celebrate. In particular, they're putting on a production of Miracle on 34th Street in December which I'm sure will be a lot of fun to check out.

We've seen a variety of shows over the years at Persephone Theatre and always love going. We're (or more accurately, I'm) terrible at remembering to plan ahead. Hopefully by blogging about it I'll have stuck a pin in my brain to remember to buy tickets before they sell out.