1 min read

What Did I Do This Week?

If you've ever asked yourself: "I wonder what Chris found interesting on the web this past week?", I've got the answer for you!

I've relaunched my weekly newsletter and you can sign up below or at chris-enns.ongoodbits.com to get a weekly email each Friday afternoon of the interesting blog posts, articles, tutorials, YouTube videos, and podcast episodes I came across in the previous week.

I'm using a service called Goodbits that makes it super easy to build email newsletters. Eventually I'll likely roll it into a Patreon supporters only type email but for now I want to make sure it's something that's easy enough to do and maintain. So if you sign up now, you can likely-maybe-possibly [footnote]as long as it's technically possible and not a ton of extra work[/footnote] stay subscribed if I flip it over to Patreon patrons only.

But you're going to support me on Patreon right away anyways, right?

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