U2 Reinvent the Arena Show at Triumphant Tour Opener | Rolling Stone
It's worth noting that the group's innovative new sound system, which utilizes a series of speakers hung from the ceiling spread evenly throughout the venue, sounded absolutely amazing. Just about every other live act in history simply stacked their sound equipment near the stage and blasted it out across the entire house, almost deafening a chunk of the crowd in the process. This new approach results in far a cleaner, crisper, significantly less abrasive acoustics. It deserves to become the new standard.
Source: U2 Reinvent the Arena Show at Triumphant 'Innocence' Tour Opener | Rolling Stone
Just experimenting with the newish WordPres bookmarklet. It works about as well as the tumblr version which is a good start. I wish it could grab a featured image automagically like the Tumblr dashboard version does.
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