1 min read

Dropbox v2.4.0 Adds Screenshot Sharing

Built into the newest version of Dropbox is two new features: screenshot sharing and iPhoto import. From the Dropbox blog:

Starting today, all the screenshots you take can automatically be saved straight to your Dropbox. And on top of that, Dropbox will also create a link to your screenshot and copy it to your clipboard — so your picture’s instantly good to share. Whether you’re capturing screenshots of websites, favorite dog videos, or video calls with your buddy in São Paulo, now Dropbox can help keep your computer a little more organized.

Like this screenshot I took of the Dropbox blog. Meta.

Don't have Dropbox yet? Install it for free and start screenshoting your way to happiness!

Dropbox works some magic on your Mac so it no longer puts the screenshots on your desktop but throws them right into Dropbox folder/Screenshots.

The iPhoto import comes at a good time for anyone checking out Learning to Love Photo Management. Besides syncing your iPhoto library to Dropbox, it looks like Dropbox will give you up to 3GB more space if you turn on iPhoto syncing.