1 min read

MacUpdate March 2013 Promo Bundle

Time once again for the MacUpdate bundle. 10 apps for $49.

The main attraction for most people is getting Parallels Desktop 8 for $49 when it retails for $79 normally. Parallels allows you to install and run Windows (or Linux) operating systems on your Mac.

Some of the other apps included in the MacUpdate bundle include:

  • DEVONthink Pro 2: Could be an interesting program to organize documents around a project.
  • Prizmo 2: Scanning and OCR'ing software which would probably work well with DEVONthink
  • 238 OpenType Fonts: Who doesn't want more fonts?
  • iStat Menus 4: System monitoring application for your Mac. Most people probably could care less but nerds like details like this.
  • PhotoStyler 6: Instagram your photos.
  • DiskAid 6: Gives you file level access to all the data on your iOS device of choice.

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Pick up the MacUpdate bundle for $49.