1 min read

TapeDeck Updated, On Sale

I've already got too many audio recording apps on my Mac - SSKTN related and otherwise - but if you need a quick and easy way to record thoughts or conversations in audio form, TapeDeck (regularly $19.99 on for $4.99 for the holidays) looks like a fun option:


  • Quick-Capture Workflow - You're always one click (or keystroke) away from a new recording, and your tape is automatically saved when you hit STOP.
  • Lossless Recording - Using the Apple Lossless Audio Codec, TapeDeck can capture your tapes with full fidelity, so you can ensure your musical ideas are kept intact when moved to Garage Band, or Logic.
  • Click, Whirr, Pop! The TapeDeck UI is chock-full of animations and sound effects. You'll find yourself clicking REC just to watch the tape spin!

You can also upload your recordings to YouTube - check out a sample video of how it renders a tape playing for the video.

I'm a bit curious why the developer hasn't built in support for uploading to a service like SoundCloud as well but maybe that's not a great use for this app.

TapeDeck - SuperMegaUltraGroovy, Inc.