Amanda Todd''s Video and Jian Gomeshi''s Essay
First, if you haven't yet, take 9 minutes and watch the video below.
As you are likely aware, Amanda committed suicide last week - a month after posting the video.
It's important to watch to be aware of the struggle kids have against bullies but also for parents to be aware of what their kids can be exposed to online and to have open discussions about the tech they are using. This isn't just bullying - it's blackmail and sexual harassment.
And as much as you should be worried about your kid being bullied - more parents need to be educated about the fact that their kids could very well be the bully at their school. Reading Amanda's story, it's hard not to get angry at the thought of parents of the other kids not stepping in and discipling their kids for their actions and teaching them about apologizing and seeking forgiveness.
CBC's Jian Gomeshi devoted his opening essay on Monday's show to Amanda and bullying which prompted me to try and find Amanda's original video and post it here.
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