1 min read

Twitter Doesn't Want You

You helped build Twitter into the global platform it is today. You were the ones who saw something meaningful in what others considered stupid and superfluous. You gave Twitter “at” replies and short links and hashtags and everything else that made the 140 character limit just a little easier to deal with. You were the true innovators - not them. But your services are no longer required. Please pack your things and go.

 You’ve been replaced with immature teenagers, attention-starved celebrities, “SEO ninjas”, and companies pretending to build relationships with their clientele when in reality, they’re simply making it easier to appease dissatisfied customers before bad word-of-mouth gets out of hand.

Twitter doesn't want the nerds anymore. And the nerds are attempting to move on. Which is where, not coincidently, I found the link to the article I'm quoting.