The Story of Oatway Lake
I plugged in an old hard drive to use for a Mountain Lion upgrade and found this video file waiting to be uploaded to Vimeo.
As it's a half hour-long video, I haven't yet watched it all the way through since uploading it to Vimeo. So if you do watch it please let me know in the comments if you see any issues with audio/video.
The Story of the Video
I had the opportunity to be the video camera guy and editor of a video my wife's father, Derek Oatway, wanted to put together that told the story of his uncle, John Oatway, a World War 2 pilot that was lost in battle. He had a lake in Northern Saskatchewan named in his honour and many years later John's brother (my wife's grandpa) wanted to put a plaque on the lake to honour John's memory and tell the story of who the lake is named after should anyone ever come across it.

We rented a professional HD camera and a couple of wireless mics and set off to La Ronge, Saskatchewan to catch a float plane ride over to Oatway Lake. That's part of the story you'll see told in the video.
The other part is the telling of the short life of John Oatway through pictures and a voice over narrative written by Derek.
It was a fun challenge to try to weave the two stories together. Obviously it's of primary interest to close family and friends, but we tried to tell the story in such a way that it would hopefully be interesting enough to watch for someone who is into World War 2 and/or Saskatchewan history.
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