Life as a Warehouse Wage Slave
You don't have to go to China to find examples of human rights abuse in the name of efficient product delivery to needy customers, I Was a Warehouse Wage Slave chronicles a writer's experience working for Amalgamated Product Giant Shipping Worldwide Inc. - a made up name for a very real company located in the US.
The culture is intense, an Amalgamated higher-up acknowledges at the beginning of our training. He's speaking to us from a video, one of several videos—about company policies, sexual harassment, etc.—that we watch while we try to keep our eyes open. We don't want to be so intense, the higher-up says. But our customers demand it. We are surrounded by signs that state our productivity goals. Other signs proclaim that a good customer experience, to which our goal-meeting is essential, is the key to growth, and growth is the key to lower prices, which leads to a better customer experience. There is no room for inefficiencies. The gal conducting our training reminds us again that we cannot miss any days our first week. There are NO exceptions to this policy. She says to take Brian, for example, who's here with us in training today. Brian already went through this training, but then during his first week his lady had a baby, so he missed a day and he had to be fired. Having to start the application process over could cost a brand-new dad like Brian a couple of weeks' worth of work and pay. Okay? Everybody turn around and look at Brian. Welcome back, Brian. Don't end up like Brian.
For better or worse, I'd sort of assumed that these kinds of places had all moved to electronic/robotic delivery - at least in the states. Read the rest of the article.
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