1 min read

From the Sky Down - Trailer for U2 Documentary

Achtung Baby is when I fell in love with U2. There's a term for fans of U2 that started liking them when that album came out - appropriately enough they're called 'Achtung Babies' and it used to be almost dismissive because at one point, Achtung Baby was a fairly recent album and an Achtung Baby was a fan who only liked U2 because of their last album.

Now, 20 years on, I'm proud to say I'm an Achtung Baby. It's definitely one of the best albums of the last 20 years. It's one of the only albums I know backwards and forwards on guitar, from start to finish.

From the opening crash of landing in 'Zoo Station' to the lament of 'Love is Blindness', the whole album is a wonderful journey through a band's attempt to leap from one mountaintop experience to the next - including the valley in between.

For now, view the trailer on U2.com, but I'm sure it will find it's way onto Youtube/etc. after the documentary opens at the Toronto International Film Festival tonight.