There's certainly a special place in Hell reserved for people who make a living tricking folks into installing malware, spyware and viruses.

And then there's a special place on the floor of the bathroom stall of Hell's Walmart for people who prey on those wanting to make donations to earthquake/tsunami relief for Japan.

Crooks have also registered a large number of domains with URLs that may fool users into thinking that they're legitimate donation or relief sites, said Patil, a tactic that can also push those sites higher on search results. Patil said that Symantec spotted more than 50 such domains within hours of last week's earthquake and ensuing tsunami, all with the words "Japan tsunami" or "Japan earthquake" in their URLs.

Apple has setup a donation page in iTunes that allows you to donate directly to the American Red Cross. You can also donate at the Canadian Red Cross.

Preying on Earthquake Charity Relief