Music makes the world go 'round
I've been really enjoying the new cd's we've picked up recently. Sue and I both went on a CD buying spree (2 cd's is a spree for us!), she picked up Alanis' 'Under Rug Swept' which, from the few times I've heard it is actually a pretty good CD. Not nearly as much angst as she used to have - maybe it's the fact that she can blow her nose with $1,000 bills now.
At the same time, I picked up Our Lady Peace - Gravity which has gotten repeated plays in the car stereo. I don't mind singers with distinctive voices (see the next purchase) so these guys don't grate on me the way they seem to for other people. They're also one of the better rock bands on the Canadian scene right now, IMHO.
Finally, I had picked up Oasis - Heathen Chemistry because I'd heard the first two singles and liked them so I thought I'd give the album a try. While it hasn't gotten as much play as OLP has, I really like the album. It's just not as much rock'n in the car type music, more like a good album to put on while working on a web site. :)
Some albums that I'm looking forward to hearing are:
- the new best-of from U2 with 2 new tunes
- Coldplay's "A Rush of Blood to the Head"
- Bruce Springsteen's "The Rising" is supposed to be good, but that could just be all the whole "America looking to get back to it's roots" thing
- Holly Mcnarland's "Home Is Where My Feet Are" whose single 'Beautiful Blue' is, well, beautiful.
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