Best of U2 - Part 2
Check out Mark's new song on our site. It's called Mennonite Women (The Sequel). We threw in some funky beats and old-sk00l samples, natch. has info on the second 'Best Of' from U2 that should be out Nov. 11th. It'll probably highlight the '90's (Achtung Baby, Zooropa, Passengers?, Pop) as well as have a b-sides collection. It's funny, but even though I've already got all these cd's and most of the b-sides, I'm still really looking forward to this release. (sue is no doubt rolling her eyes at this!) The 90s are the period that I really got into U2 and it'll be interesting to see if they re-do a track like they did for the previous Best Of with Sweetest Thing or just put a couple new tunes on it to entice people to buy it.
To keep the u2 theme going, i don't know if I ever posted these pictures here - but here's pics from the u2 cover night i did with some friends back a couple months.
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