Micro.Blog Podcasting + OP3 Stats
Connecting your Micro.blog podcast up to OP3 stats is easy thanks to this plugin written by John Spurlock.
Connecting your Micro.blog podcast up to OP3 stats is easy thanks to this plugin written by John Spurlock.
Don't use Substack. Use a combiner of 3 powerful publishing platforms instead.
Fight spam in your RSS feed with Feedbin's new features.
This is a very long post that will be interesting if you enjoy the meta commentary behind choosing blogging software.
This is a very serious post and not just a test of Ghost's ability to embed a Mastodon toot.
If I, or some hypothetical manager, put too much stock into these metrics I could see it causing a firestorm of reprioritization based on bot traffic. We’d be chasing the tail of a health check bot somewhere in Germany.