Subscribe to the Podcast Version of My Blog Wherever You Get Your Podcasts
For a recent livestream about podcasting related tools, I decided to build a podcast version of my blog. Here's why and how I did it.
Do Real-Life People Blog?
This is who I want to be. I want to create. I want to make things that didn’t exist before I touched them. I want to show up and be seen in my work and in my life
Micro.Blog Podcasting + OP3 Stats
Connecting your podcast up to OP3 stats is easy thanks to this plugin written by John Spurlock.
Build a Super Powered Combiner Robot for the Web
Don't use Substack. Use a combiner of 3 powerful publishing platforms instead.
How I Moved From an Eleventy Static Site to Ghost
This is a very long post that will be interesting if you enjoy the meta commentary behind choosing blogging software.
Verified as a Blog
This is a very serious post and not just a test of Ghost's ability to embed a Mastodon toot.
On The Internet, the Rules Are Made Up And The Points Don't Matter
If I, or some hypothetical manager, put too much stock into these metrics I could see it causing a firestorm of reprioritization based on bot traffic. We’d be chasing the tail of a health check bot somewhere in Germany.