Weather Strip for iOS
The eternal search for a better weather app for my iPhone.
Shovelling the Driveway Takes Time
Watching my kid's shovel the driveway from the warmth of my office.
MacStories Best Apps of 2022
It's interesting how many of the apps that made their best of revolve around organizing and playing music.
When To Upgrade My Mac
The eternal struggle of when the right time is to upgrade your computer
Raycast Wrapped 2022
Raycast Wrapped is silly but fun.
Breaking My macOS Rule of Not Replacing Default Mac Apps with Raycast and Warp
Do you replace default software with third party software on your Mac?
A Personal User Manual
A personal user manual is a short document outlining how you like to work, collaborate, communicate, and receive feedback.
Matter II Released
Read it later power user apps.
It's Every Girl's Dream to Go Make Star Wars Sounds
May the 4th + sound design = 😍
On The Internet, the Rules Are Made Up And The Points Don't Matter
If I, or some hypothetical manager, put too much stock into these metrics I could see it causing a firestorm of reprioritization based on bot traffic. We’d be chasing the tail of a health check bot somewhere in Germany.