Facebook Live Goes After Twitch
Now that Facebook Live (live video streaming to Facebook from your phone or computer) has established itself, the next logical
Achtung Baby - 25 Years Later
Matt McGee, my atU2 Podcast co-host and creator of atU2.com, has launched a new site celebrating the 25th anniversary
Snapchat 101: A Course to Try and Explain Snapchat
A few months ago I started playing around with Snapchat. The core idea behind it is that your messages (text,
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer
Direct link to YouTube
Well if anything was going to bring me out of blogging retirement,
► Daily(ish) #162: Shure Thing
Listen here
Testing out a Shure MV51 in place of my usual Heil PR40.
Mac Streaming to Twitch via OBS Issues
I've been trying to figure out how to stream video/audio to Twitch or YouTube using a piece
Getting Ahead vs. Doing Well
Via Daring Fireball comes this article by Seth Godin on Getting Ahead vs. Doing Well:
One unspoken objection to raising
iOS Games Worth Playing
Here's a great list of games for your iPhone or iPad to check out if you're
36 Million Viewers Tune in for League of Legends Finale
Notably, since the event happened in Berlin, those finals took place at an absurdly early hour of the
Instagram’s New Standalone App Boomerang Captures 1-Second Video Loops
Boomerang looks interesting in the same way Hyperlapse and Layouts are great apps - a single purpose, focused app that