1 min read

Raycast Wrapped 2022

Raycast Wrapped is silly but fun.

Talk about knowing your audience. Like Spotify and many other apps, Raycast (I wrote about it earlier this year) designed a "Raycast Wrapped" year in review for users of their app, with beautiful designed charts and graphs showing off how nerdy a Raycast user is.

Meet your Raycast Wrapped 2022 starting screen

Starting with usage:

Usage - climbing to the top. How productive I've been with Raycast this year. 1,357 opens, 940 actions performed, installed Raycast 183 days ago. Peak opening day is Thursday, hour is 9am.

Next is effectiveness:

Effectivness with extensions. 20 extensions installed. 2 hotkeys. 2 aliases. SavvyCal is the latest addition. 5 quicklinks. Toggl Track is my most opened.

Finally it's a random summary of more data:

Top 3 apps are Logic Pro, Remote Desktop, and Twitter. 715 total application launches. Opened Racast 1,357 times. 69 applications used. 940 total actions. My personality is listed as a Rayeti - unmatched productivity that is hard to find in real life.

I'm a sucker for these kinds of things. We'll see if Raycast is truly sticky enough as an app launcher, and how my 2023 usage compares.