1 min read

My Daily(ish) Podcast

I realized I haven't posted anything about it here but I've been doing a daily(ish) - heavy on the "ish" - podcast over at pdcst.ca. 10 minutes or less of me rambling about stuff on my brain. It's a bit of a relaunch of the original Too Lazy to Blog podcast I had going for awhile.

It's mainly for my own curiosity and experiments in podcasting. As we continue to build GoodStuff.fm, I wanted to have a small space to mess around with podcasting. So that's where pdcst.ca comes in.

You can start back at episode 1 and continue from there or subscribe in iTunes or via RSS. If you're on ADN, you can subscribe to the Broadcast channel and I also tweet out new episodes with direct links to the MP3s.