Free Apps to Celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the App Store
A bunch of apps are free this week to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the App Store. Check out the full list at Tools and Toys but these are some of my recommendations to grab that I've used:
- Day One for iPhone and iPad is a journaling app that is a great way to record thoughts, ideas, journals. I use it primarily as a photo journal by choosing a picture from my iPhone's camera roll and then adding a few thoughts about the moment, event or day the picture was from. Day One allows you to export a PDF, email or print and share your journals with friends. It's the one journal that I've kept at longer than any other.
- Tiny Wings for iPhone or Tiny Wings HD for iPad is a fun, colourful game that's easy to play and hard to master.
And here are a few that I haven't tried myself but look interesting:
- Over is an app that allows you to put text and artwork over your photos.
- BADLAND for iPhone and iPad is a side scrolling game that looks great.
- Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP is a classic iOS game that I never got around to picking up. Done.
- How to Cook Everything for iPhone and iPad looks like an app/book/thing that I could certainly use.
Which apps are you most excited about grabbing?
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