1 min read

Remembering War 30 Years Later

It's been 30 years since U2's War album, their third, was released. It's currently only $5.99 in iTunes for the remastered version or $15.99 for the Deluxe Remastered Edition which adds 4 remixes of New Year's Day and 3 of Two Hearts Beat as One, in addition to other tracks not included on the original album.

U2 War Album Cover

@U2.com interviewed producer Steve Lillywhite about the recording process:

You know I haven't listened to the album for many years, because I never do. And there are some strange things that are unique to War that are not like any other U2 album. Things like trumpet solos. - See more at: https://www.atu2.com/news/trust-trumpet-solos-and-long-lost-interns-remembering-war-30-years-later-with-steve-lillywhite.html#sthash.tNOW28lA.dpuf

And if you weren't a fan of their last album, you're not alone:

Don't get me started on the last album.