Podcast Episodes I'd Recommend
Podcast Monday? Is that a thing? Maybe I'll make it a thing.
At any rate. Here's some podcast episodes I've enjoyed recently that may do good things to your eardrums:
Any Color But Purple, The New Disruptors
Glenn Fleishman, writer for The Economist and executive editor of The Magazine interviews Jim Coudal of Coudal Partners and have a great discussion about The Deck Network, an online advertising network, Field Notes and in general the business of running a creative business in 2013. I'm tempted to just loop it in my office for the next while to let things soak in.
John Gruber, The Big Web Show
Jeffrey Zeldman interviews John Gruber of Daring Fireball about how he got his start, why investors don't like Apple and where he got the name for his blog. As a long time reader of Daring Fireball and follower of @gruber on Twitter, I enjoyed the look behind the blog that Zeldman got out of Gruber in this podcast.
A 'Full-Time' Masterclass with Shawn Blanc, CMD+SPACE
Shawn Blanc, of ShawnBlanc.net and my guest on Welcome to the Internet awhile back, has a great chat with host Myke Hurley about taking a side business full-time and answering some great listener/reader questions along the way.
That's what's been in my ears lately. How about you?
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