Three Things That Should Trouble Apple
I really like the premise for Guy English's1 article, Three Things That Should Trouble Apple:
I believe that many Apple observers have been too invested in picking off the low hanging fruit of obviously out-of-touch commentators, columnists, and analysts. Apple is winning. It’s fun to pick on the idiots, and we do tune in for the affirmation that engenders, but that’s not insight. It’s a tag team wedgie patrol. It takes a cleaver intellect to dismantle bullshit but, ultimately, it often just ends up with pantsing the dumb guy. Rather than doing that let’s aim to pants the A-grade quarterback.
Take the high road and point the lens back on the Mac and figure out what needs improving. Good stuff.
- Yes that's his real name. For extra confusion he apparently lives in the country of Québec. Where english is but one of the languages spoken apparently. ↩
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