1 min read

The Life of a Tweet

Yesterday I posted a tweet reply to Neven Mrgan, one of the code/design nerds at Panic, talking about how Pinterest's aim isn't to make money right away - but it is their goal down the road. I grabbed a screenshot of their FAQ page and sent it along as a reply.

Pinterest Goal of Making Money Someday

Naturally Neven thought my reply was hilarious (emphasis and assumptions of Neven's thoughts by your humble editor) and retweeted it out to his 13k+ followers.

At which point I just sat back, took a sip of my coffee and waited for the royalty cheques to start flying into my mailbox because that's how the internet works right?


That all happened around 4pm on Wednesday. Being a bit of a stats nerd, I would periodically check the Droplr stats for the image I sent in my reply. Each time someone clicked on the link in my tweet to the image, Droplr would register a view.

There was the initial rush of people who viewed it, somewhere between 350 and 450, and then the views slowed down to a trickle.

But what's interesting is how even now, 20+ hours later, there's still people clicking and viewing that screenshot as it approaches 600 views.

No big revelation or summary statement about society here. It's just a curious thing to me how different people keep up with the stream of information coming at them. Twitter to me is relevant information from the last few hours - anything beyond that I don't really worry about and can skim or skip past, other than close personal friends.1

Others are more interested in reading or clicking everything someone tweets.

Or maybe my tweet was just so inspiring, funny and full of knowledge that people can't help but click the url to see what's on the other side.

Anyway, back to waiting for my internet cash machine to start printing dollar bills. Better go grab some ink.

  1. Unless Neven has thousands of close personal friends that follow him on Twitter? Could happen. He seems like a nice guy.