1 min read

On the New iPad

Jim Dalrymple got the opportunity to check out the new iPad after the keynote:

It’s impossible to put into words just how good the Retina display is on the iPad. It’s not just images that look sharper, it’s text too. Reading a Web site or an iBook on the iPad’s display is incredible. Even the home screen on the iPad is crisper and sharper than I expected.

iPhoto for iOS seems to be impressing a lot of people as well. Jim again:

One of the great announcements for me was iPhoto and seeing that on the Retina display was amazing. iPhoto has the potential to really change the way a lot of people use the iPad.

John Gruber was similarly impressed:

Unbelievably impressive software. The tools are useful and innovative, the use of touch is both natural and fun, and it’s chock full of nice little touches, like being able to choose which side of the display you want the thumbnails on.

And Ryan Block of GDGT wants to take the new Retina Display home and marry it:

Amazing. Seriously amazing. I really love the Retina Display on the iPhone 4/4S, but this feels like a step forward even from that. Not because it's a better display (which it may well be), but because the much larger scale of the screen makes it feel transformative to the experience of looking at a Retina Display and using an iPad.

 It's the best display I've ever seen. Anywhere, period. And it makes a meaningful difference to the experience -- it's not just a spec.

Not. Going. To. Pre-order.