1 min read

Cocktail Flow

Cocktail Flow (iTunes App Store link (free)) is a drink recipe app1 that allows you to browse, find and discover cocktails.

It's a beautifully designed app with plenty of nifty little animations and visual treats to go along with the recipes.

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The up sell for them is by selling add-on theme packs of recipes. For example, they've got a Super Bowl theme pack with drinks named "The Bloody Halfback", "Safety Kick", and "Brady Bomb" - but there's plenty of free recipes included.

A nice feature is the ability to specify what drinks you have in your cabinet (i.e. Irish Whiskey, Scotch, White Rum, Amaretto and Irish Cream2) and then it can tell you what drinks you can make from that mix (Amaretto Sour, Blow Job3 or a Godfather if you're curious.)

Or choose the drinks you want to be able to make and it will spit out a shopping list, along with suggested costs.

One minor gripe is that there's no ability to select Canadian currency as an option - though I suspect the USD is close enough for estimating your bill.

All in all, a very good app particularly when you consider it's free.

Cocktail Flow - Distinction Ltd

Via beautifulpixels.com

  1. Also available for Android for free and Windows Phone 7 for $2.99
  2. Not actually what we have at our home.
  3. That ought to help the SEO.