1 min read

New Version of Twitter

Twitter has launched a new version - available first on Twitter for iPhone or iPad and their other mobile platforms.

Cue the complaining from everyone who hates redesigns, no matter what it improves.

The site fly.twitter.com is a beautifully designed explanation of how Twitter works and what the new version brings to Twitter. They mention on the site:

Download the latest version of Twitter for iPhone or Twitter for Android to get access to the redesigned Twitter on your computer.

...but I'm not seeing it yet.

I haven't been using the Twitter app for iPhone lately 1 so it feels very different to me. It's certainly a much cleaner look than what I remember it having. I can't see myself using the new Discover or Me tab very often, if at all - other than that they've buried Direct Messages under the Me tab so now it's two taps to get to your messages.

It'll be interesting to see how they've integrated the new look into the desktop app for Mac.

  1. Still using and loving Tweetbot.