1 min read

People Buying iPhone 4S As a Tribute to Steve Jobs

If you are a tech/financial writer and really believe that people would pre-order the iPhone 4S as a tribute to Steve Jobs (apparently in record numbers), you should start looking for other work.

Sure, the worldwide outpouring of grief/memories of Steve Jobs' death is impressive and is on a scale unheard of outside your typical celebrity death (i.e. Michael Jackson), but people aren't so moved that they're going to drop hundreds of dollars to purchase a device AND sign up for a $50+/month contract out of respect for said device's creator's passing.

But no one foresaw that the tech genius Jobs would suddenly pass away, only one day after iPhone 4S was released. Jobs’ demise stirred sadness and grief around the world and it’s believed that Jobs’ untimely death has rocketed demand for iPhone 4S from consumers.


Via Daring Fireball.