1 min read

WooThemes Not-So-Black-Friday Special

I don't normally post affiliate links/etc. here, but this is a really good one that you should check out if you're looking for a WordPress theme for your blog/website:

WooThemes - WordPress themes for everyone

They are offering 5 themes for the price of 1, plus 20% off the price of that one theme. It ends up costing you $56 (USD I believe) for 5 themes if you use coupon code "BLACKPACKAGE" at checkout.

WooThemes is who I get most of my WordPress themes through and they do a quality job, not only on the design of the theme itself but also in how easy they make it to setup your website with a ton of options in the administration menu.

Here's a screenshot from their Canvas theme that I often use as a starting point:

So go check out their collection of themes and upgrade your blog to a new look.  Then be sure to come back and leave a comment so I can check out your new site!