iPad Review
No, sadly, I don't have one. For the definitive review, check out John Gruber's article simply titled 'The iPad':
After the iPad was announced, I got two types of emails from readers. The first group saying they were disappointed, because they had been hoping I was right that The Tablet would be Apple’s reconception of personal computing.
The second group wrote to tell me how excited they were because I was right that The Tablet would be Apple’s reconception of personal computing.
Count me in with the second group. Apple hasn’t thought of everything with iPad, but what they’ve thought about, they’ve thought about very deeply. I got mine Saturday morning, and I’ve been using it since — or at least as often as I could get it away from my son. Here are my thoughts.
I stand by my earlier assertions that the iPad is going to be a _big_ deal.
I heard on CBC radio this morning that the entire tablet PC market last year was around 1.5 million (I don't have anything official to back that stat up so your mileage may vary). Apple has unofficially sold over 500,000 iPads in less than a week - and that's before the 3G mobile data plan equipped models are available.
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