How To Be A Good Friend to New Parents
As a new parent (and as a about to be a new parent again), I am virtually nodding in agreement to most of this article:
Listen, no matter how long you’ve held the baby, maybe just try to hold the baby a little longer. I mean, you don’t have any requirements on you, or parental responsibility to hold someone else’s baby, but these parents, these poor souls reaching, grasping for every shred of vitality they can muster, these fools, are your friends.
And you know what? You couples can team up on us: men going out to drink and get teary eyed about the good ol’ days; women staying in to put the life-taker down for bed and drink white wine and chat. Maybe once you’ll get to switch that around, but I think you’ll learn from your mistakes and never let a pack of men put the baby down for bed again.
Via a tweet from Don Miller.
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