1 min read

Going to Winnipeg

Damien took his first big trip last weekend - a 8 hour car ride to Winnipeg (with a couple extra hours to stop & feed).  He did really well both there & back, which was encouraging to us & will hopefully mean more trips!  He got to visit lots of people while he was there - Auntie Jan & Uncle Paul, all the Kroekers (Lynn's side), and lots of the Enns' too.  We had the most fun hanging out with the Kroeker family, as we had not seen all of them for quite a while.  Here's Damien with cousin Brett.

Brett & Damien

Damien also got to open his first Christmas present - some fun stacking cups that he's been enjoying already!

Opening first Christmas Present
Sweet!  Fisher Price stacking cups!

And, of course, Damien spent some quality time with his favorite girl cousin, Gabriella.

Hangin' with Gabriella

It was a great weekend and we're definitely glad we went.