1 min read

The weather's here, wish you were beautiful...

Well Waskesiu was a very relaxing time and we definitly wish we could have stayed longer... especially when the first really warm day we got was the day we were leaving. My family's starting to call it the Curse of Waskesiu as it seems everytime we go there it's always crappy weather right up until the day we leave. It wasn't all bad - we did manage to get in a bike/roller blade trip and a few walks to get ice cream (we highly recommend getting a Big Olaf while there - mmmmmm Big Olaf).

When we got home we were so rejuvanted that we decided to start painting our basement. So far we've got the laundry room done which took us non-painting inclined folk about 4 hours - so I'd say we've got a good 10-12 hours left of painting to be done. Ugh.

Hey I finally got myself a bike (check out 'Slick' near the bottom). Nothing special, just a Canadian Tire bike that will get me too and from work but it felt good to finally do it after talking about getting one for the last couple of months.

We watched 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' last night which I found was actually a better movie than 'Snatch', but not as funny. They're both pretty similair but from what I remember of Snatch, it was more violent graphically than Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. But that could just be my memory.

Have a great day - nothing else from me to say.