Postbot for WordPress Photo Blogs
Great new service from the folks behind WordPress called Postbot:
Postbot will create a post for each photo and schedule
Bill Murray''s Bucket List
A "surprise" appearance on David Letterman from April 2nd, 2014.
Part 1
How to Deal with HeartBleed
Ever feel like the whole entirety of the internet has been compromised and all your information may have been stolen
Goodstuff Official Launch
Yesterday was the official launch day for Goodstuff - the broadcast network that Adam Clark, Tim Smith and myself built.
Deckset for Mac
Via Brett Terpstra’s ReCap - this looks like a great app for creating presentation that's trying something
New iOS Games Available
There's been a couple of new games released for iOS this week that all the nerds are talking
David Letterman Announces His Retirement
Direct link to video
Happening sometime in 2015. Still my favourite all-around talk show host even
Using Siri to Send a Reminder to a Specific List
This tip from The Sweet Setup is one of what I think are many ways Siri is under-utilized simply because
This is A Generic Brand Video
Direct link to video
Using a specific ratio of asian people to black people to women
Microsoft Office for iPad Coming... Soon?
Via David Sparks over on
Several website, including The Verge, are reporting that Microsoft is about to announce