A More Powerful Dropbox Pro
I love when services I use get better without having to pay more:
Introducing a more powerful Dropbox Pro:
Scared Men Troll the Tropes vs Women in Video Games Series
I posted about the start of this series back in March 2013 and it's now 7 videos in
Chris Enns on The Gently Mad
Hey that's me!
My Goodstuff co-founder Adam Clark was nice enough to have me as a guest on
►The Intellectual Radio Program 47: I Got Purple Today
Adam and Chris fly without Tim again this week and talk Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Soundcloud and the best way
Space Age Trailer
Direct link to video
Great looking game that's coming soon from
CSI: Minecraft on Penny Arcade
First read this.
My wife opened up the activity log and began cross-referencing the log in times of the various
►Show Me Your Mic 47: The Dirt - These Are Just Words, Deal With It
Kyle Roderick was kind enough to step in as guest host for a few Show Me Your Mic episodes. I
►Lost and Lemon 72: Precipice of LEGO Satisfaction
Chris talks about his new video for mini-top hats in Steampunk style, Chris talks about his new Patreon patrons and
►Daily(ish) 31: Half Hearted Attempts at a Relay
A half hearted Patreon campaign and a new podcast network launches on the internet.
Listen to episode 31 of Daily(
Humans Need Not Apply
Let's call self-driving cars what they really are - autos.
What to do in a future where most