PC Gaming Doesn't Have to Be Expensive, But It Is Better Than macOS By a Mile
While reading Chris Plante's review of Nvidia’s RTX 3080, one of the more expensive new graphic cards
No Mask Saskatchewan's Collective Delusion
I'm completely fine with someone wanting to debate wearing a mask and it's effectiveness against COVID-19,
Dave Rupert: Frozen? Do the Next Right Thing
I very much dig what Dave's saying in this post, titled "Do the next right thing"
14 Tips for Apple's iOS 14 Update
Apple's iOS 14 update came out for most of the world yesterday - surprising even software developers for
Jamstack vs WordPress
Clickbait headline aside, there's a good old fashioned technology fight brewing between the founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg,
Vtubing Could be One Way to Avoid Trolls Commenting On Appearance
I hadn't ever heard the term "Vtube" before I read this post on Polygon about a
Experimenting with Instagram
This summer I decided to uninstall Instagram from my iPhone for the month of August and see what, if anything,
Bunch Application Launcher
Brett Terpstra's got a slick project called Bunch that allows you to automate launching and / or quitting apps
Instagram Reels in Anyone Not Able to Use TikTok
Regardless of what's happening with TikTok and the current US President, Instagram's new Reels feature comes
Tyler.io For Nerdy Mac Fun
This is why I can't just up and quit Twitter.
I follow Aidan Fitzpatrick because he runs the