Impact Over Views
Al’s personal slogan is “Impact Over Views” and whew, that’s a lot to think about.
This Is Not a Meeting And Please Stop Claiming It Is
Do you want to know why you’re fatigued at the end of a long day of video conferences? It’s because your brain has been straining to collect essential information that is no longer there.
What's Necessary Is Your Freedom?
Is your freedom really necessary?
The Greatest Trick Played by Internet Giants
The greatest trick modern internet giants played on us was making us believe that political engagement requires sacrificing our own health.
Reaching for a Dream vs Being Grounded in Reality
Every generation lets down the younger generation with bad advice; sometimes on purpose, other times for lack of vision.
Happy 20th Anniversary to U2's All That You Can't Leave Behind
When a band has been around as long as U2 has, inevitably a lot of 10, 20, 30, and 40
Making a Skateboard with Apple's Mac Pro Wheels
Apple famously sells wheels for their Mac Pro at around $700USD / $869CAD and so naturally people are wondering what else
Dr. Drang on Using Apple's Notes App
I generally try to use the stock apps that Apple includes for as long as I can until I hit
Six Figures in 6 Days on iOS Icons
A crazy story of Apple simply allowing power users to change icons for apps on iOS made a designer / developer