Conversations with My Night Brain Guest Invite

Conversations with My Night Brain Guest Invite


I’m wondering if you’d consider being a guest on my still in development might not ever see the light of day podcast called “Conversations with My Night Brain”.

The working premise of the show being: we all have stuff that keeps us up at night, that we over process, that we overthink… and ideally we’d all go to therapy to discuss these thoughts. But while we wait for an opening in our therapist’s calendar, why not discuss them publicly in a way that very likely won’t help the situation, but might help a listener with a similar night brain conversation?

It’s also not supposed to be ultra serious. But it can be? If it’s light hearted and silly thoughts, that’s fine. But I’m game to talk about more intense stuff as well - as long as we do it with care.

Sample Episode

I recorded a trailer for the show to give an example of what it could sound like using an AI voice generated in Descript:

Be a Guest on the Show

If that sounds interesting to you, 📆 visit my booking calendar and find a time that works for you and I to connect.

Thanks for taking the time to consider this.

Chris Enns.

Got questions? Check out the FAQ below.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where did the idea for “Night Brain” come from?

I think I originally heard the term from Dave Rupert while editing the podcast he co-hosts with Chris Coyier, called ShopTalk Show. In conversations with him, he thinks he first learned the term from Ethan Marcotte, maintainer of

As with most things on the internet, everything is a remix.

Who is “Chris Enns”?

Hopefully you know me in some form before you’ve been asked to be on the show - unless this is in the future when the podcast is wildly successful and one of my hundreds of assistants is reaching out to you to be a guest on my podcast.

I’m Chris, I run my own business, Lemon Productions, where I edit podcasts for clients. Conversations with My Night Brain with Chris Enns is a vehicle for me to both have interesting conversations with people, as well as a way for me to practice what I teach my clients in podcasting. By way of internet verification, here’s a mostly current list of places to find me on the web.

Why are you asking me to be on your podcast?

The primary reason is because I think you’re an interesting person and I’d love to chat with you. I also think you’d be a person that the listeners of my podcast would be interested to learn about.

Where can I see the podcast? How do I know this is legit and not a NFT AI scam?

There’s currently just a few episodes of me exploring the idea at that you can check out. Or visit the subscribe page and subscribe in your podcast app of choice.

Do you edit the recording before it’s published? What if I say something stupid about my brother’s friend’s dog?

Yes I absolutely edit every episode before it goes out into the world. And you have complete veto power to ask me to cut entire segments - or even the entire conversation for that matter - if you have a vulnerability hangover after we’ve finished recording. (Which might be it’s own form of night brain conversations…. how meta?)

Since the recording is going to be edited, you can also say “Wait… I should re-speak those words in a different order that makes sense”, and you can just go ahead and do that, and I’ll edit out the first version. Ideally we’ll record a conversation and not worry about making it perfect.

I need to reschedule our conversation - how do I do that?

Feel free to email me directly.

Got a question that hasn’t been frequently asked enough to be on this list? Please email me!