David Cross Is Starting to Regret His Vote For Trump
This clip is making the rounds again and it's spot on:
The only problem is that it'
Give Me Sarcasm and Empathy Straight into My Veins
I need some sarcasm with my world is getting turned upside-down news.
A Moment of Intense Optimism, Shattered
Tim Cook openly grovelling and paying for Trump's favor is one of the more disheartening turns by tech moguls in a time when there are a lot flip-flopping grovelling tech moguls to choose from.
After November 5th, Can't We Go Back to Normal?
Being able to actually unplug from the 24x7 political machine that we've somehow decided is normal now, would be amazing for all our collective mental health.
Random Political Thoughts Collected
Just a collection of tweets, links, and a few thoughts of my own after the last week.
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