1 min read

Apple Watch for Kids Campaign is Gross

It's just a Watch. But it's also just $299CAD?
Apple Watch for Kids Campaign is Gross
Photo by Raagesh C / Unsplash

Admittedly this is fairly low on the list of things to be upset about given all the other things to be upset about, but Apple marketing their Apple Watch products towards parents and kids gives me the ick, as the kids say.

Via Macrumors:

Requirements for providing a child with an Apple Watch include a Series 4 or later with GPS + Cellular and a cellular service plan, an ‌iPhone‌ 6s or later (for the parent), a Family Sharing group setup, and Apple IDs for both the parent and child.

So that's a $299+tax (CAD $) watch you're strapping to your kid's wrist that they go dive into the sandbox with, plus you need a cell plan for the Watch, in addition to whatever iPhone + cell phone you have to manage said Watch.

And now show me the kid who's going to be fine with having a Watch, but not an iPhone for longer than a month.

I get that there's helpful safety and fitness features that are part of the story Apple tells with the Apple Watch. Something about this feels like commercials during cartoons that are targeted at making kids want something so their parents buy it?

Likely just me.

Apple Watch dings to let me know I need to stand up, and that my heart rate is elevated, likely due to getting upset about something on the internet.

Ok. Fine.